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Autour de Pizz
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Information Autour de Pizz

Fancy a delicious Italian, French or Mediterranean meal? You've come to the right place. Our restaurant Autour de Pizz satisfies even the most discerning palate - you'll be won over by delicious dishes served in a pleasant atmosphere.


# Lunch Restaurant

Our Italian, French and Mediterranean cuisine offers a variety of tasty, freshly prepared recipes. Excellent fast food awaits you. Definitely try our signature dishes such as our particularly delicious pizzas and sandwiches. When you visit us, try our refreshing beers or cold drinks. Our divine desserts will seduce you for a snack. A delicious lunch or dinner at our place?


# Especially convenient parking spaces

Please park your car in our free parking spaces. We are looking forward to your reservation and are glad to have you as our guest soon. Please contact us directly by phone at +33561802862. You can pay with cash, meal tickets, MasterCard, contactless payment and VISA. You don't have the time? Then simply order your meal to go.

Classification Autour de Pizz

Opening hours

    • Monday
    • Closed
    • Tuesday
    • Closed
    • Wednesday
    • Closed
    • Thursday
    • Closed
    • Friday
    • Closed
    • Saturday
    • Closed
    • Sunday
    • Closed

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Opening hours