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pizza king
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Information pizza king

Here you will find an ideal meeting place for quiet weekends, during which you will spend beautiful moments together. At the pizza king, we offer meals for every occasion. Our food truck is a perfect with a very good selection of dishes and drinks for the lunch break. It is also a perfect weekend hangout.
# Food truck with varied menu
Let us tempt you with our diverse and traditional Italian cuisine. We are known for our excellent local dishes. Let yourself be seduced during a break by our excellent pies or by our cakes prepared with love. How about a delicious dinner at our place
# Take advantage of our takeaway service
You are welcome! Feel free to visit us, we would love to be your host tonight.
You can pay by Ticket Restaurant®, check or meal tickets. Of course, we also accept cash payments.
If you are short on time, we would be happy to pack your takeout.

Classification pizza king

Opening hours

    • Monday
    • Closed
    • Tuesday
    • Closed
    • Wednesday
    • Closed
    • Thursday
    • Closed
    • Friday
    • Closed
    • Saturday
    • Closed
    • Sunday
    • Closed

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Opening hours