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take o tac
0 photos
rue de la plaine 41, Paris
· Closed Manage restaurant

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The restaurant offers food delivery or takeaway

Information take o tac

Spend your lunch break in peace and quiet with simple, delicious food: if that's what you're planning, come and visit us. Low prices combined with delicious food - that's what take o tac stands for. Drop by and let us convince you of our snack restaurant.
# Culinary delights and much more
Our varied Mexican, South American cuisine offers you a wide range of delicious and freshly prepared recipes.
# Particularly convenient delivery service
You are welcome! Feel free to visit us, we would love to be your host tonight.
Payment by Ticket Restaurant®, debit card, dematerialized payment, meal tickets, PayPal and VISA card is accepted. You always have the option of paying in cash.
Taste your food at home: take advantage of our home delivery or take-out service.

Classification take o tac

Opening hours

    • Monday
    • Closed
    • Tuesday
    • Closed
    • Wednesday
    • Closed
    • Thursday
    • Closed
    • Friday
    • Closed
    • Saturday
    • Closed
    • Sunday
    • Closed

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Opening hours